Recommendation Documentation for Students with Disabilities

Office of Accessibility

Recommended Documentation for Students with Disabilities

Student’s seeking assistance or accommodation must complete intake form. Types of helpful documentation can include medical records, psycho-educational testing and school records. If you do not have copies of this information you are welcome to meet with a disability services counselor after completion of intake form to demonstrate a connection between your condition and any academic barriers that you anticipate or are facing. In addition, individuals must complete and submit the Disability Documentation form.

  • Students with disabilities requesting accommodations or special assistance are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to provide documentation describing a specific disability. Documentation must be provided by an appropriate professional (psychologist, medical doctor, audiologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) and should include the following six elements (appropriate to the disability):
    1. A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, a date for the current evaluation, and the date of the original evaluation (whenever possible).
    2. A description of the diagnostic tests, methods and criteria used in the evaluation. Standard scores should be included for specific learning disabilities.
    3. A description of the functional impact of the disability (that is, the effect on learning and classroom performance or participation) including specific test results and the evaluator’s narrative interpretation.
    4. A description of any relevant treatment and/or assistive devices currently prescribed or in use.
    5. A recommendation for classroom accommodations or services.
    6. The name and signature of the professional who completed the evaluation along with their credentials and contact information.
  • Documentation may also include suggestions for compensatory strategies, adaptive devices, or other support services that would benefit the student.
  • Documentation will remain confidential and will be maintained by the Office of Accessibility. This information will be considered confidential and is to be shared within the institution on a need-to-know basis only. Disability records may be destroyed five years after the student’s last enrollment.

Documentation guidelines vary from one institution to another. OA documentation guidelines are designed to meet the needs of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. If attending a different institution or taking a standardized test administered by an outside agency, students are responsible for researching those documentation policies/guidelines and requirements. Due to the differences of documentation guidelines, it may not be appropriate for OA to complete paperwork certifying eligibility for standardized tests.

Generally Insufficient Documentation

Office of Accessibility staff are unable to diagnose impairments, interpret a diagnosis, a condition’s severity, or the current impact and/or functional limitations of a disability from incomplete documentation; therefore, the following materials alone are generally not sufficient for determining eligibility and could prolong the eligibility process:

  • office medical records, medical chart notes or prescription pad notations;
  • high school IEPs, 504 Plans, Response to Interview and/or SOPs not accompanied by documentation of the disability itself;
  • documents prepared for specific non-educational venues (i.e., Social Security Administration, Department of Veteran’s Affairs, etc.); or
  • documentation which only include general statements of diagnosis, symptoms or difficulties.